
Ozaukee County News

Friday, January 17, 2025

Johnson: "That's the REAL reason radical woke educators want it banned."


Scarlett Johnson, Wisconsin | https://twitter.com/scarlett4kids

Scarlett Johnson, Wisconsin | https://twitter.com/scarlett4kids

Scarlett Johnson, an active member of Moms for Liberty Wisconsin, utilized the social media platform X to express her perspective on a recent incident that emerged from a Colorado public school. In this event, a middle school student was reportedly removed from class due to having a "Don't Tread on Me" patch on his backpack.

"The infamous "Don't Tread on Me" image is not racist. But it is anti-communist and pro-liberty," Johnsons said. "And that's the REAL reason radical woke educators want it banned from public schools."

Video footage of the occurrence, which unfolded at a Colorado-based public charter school named Vanguard School, was shared on the social media platform X. The video captures a conversation between an administrator at the school and the parent or guardian of the boy involved. During the conversation, the administrator states that the boy must remove the patch before returning to class due to the association with "slavery and slave trade", according to the X platform.

The patch on the boy's backpack was that of the Gadsden flag, tracing its roots back to the Revolutionary War. This flag, characterized by a yellow background with a coiled snake and the words "Don't Tread On Me" underneath, was allegedly used by the first naval commander-in-chief of the U.S. during the war. It initially served as a signal to the British monarchy and symbolized the unity among the 13 colonies. However, it later garnered associations with racism during the Tea Party Movement of 2009, according to Britannica.

"Obviously the Gadsden flag is a proud symbol of the American Revolution and an iconic warning to Britain or any government not to violate the liberties of Americans," said Jared Polis, Democratic Governor of Colorado, in a post on the X platform. "It appears on popular American medallions and challenge coins through today and Ben Franklin also adopted it to symbolize the union of the 13 colonies. It’s a great teaching moment for a history lesson!"

Colorado Governor Jared Polis utilized the X platform to support the use of the Gadsden flag following the incident. Meanwhile, the school reversed its initial decision to remove the boy from class due to the patch and allowed him to continue wearing it on his backpack. In an email sent out by the board, they stated, "The Vanguard School recognizes the historical significance of the Gadsden flag and its place in history. This incident is an occasion for us to reaffirm our deep commitment to classical education in support of these American principles," according to Newsweek.